20 Safety Razor Blades - CaliWoods

Safety Razor Blades From CaliWoods

These safety razor blades have been designed to fit the silver , copper. and slate grey safety razors from CaliWoods. However they are also compatible with other brands of safety razors. (Check the images to see if the shape matches your razor's blades.)

Made from 100% stainless steel and is packaged with zero plastic!


- 20 x Stainless Steel Blades
- Blade Return Envelope

How Do I Recycle My Razor Blades?

Within this razor blade pack, you'll receive a blade return envelope. When you've finished with your blades, pop them into the envelope, (clean and dry) and post them to Caliwoods. Alternatively, drop them off at your nearest collection point.

Find out more about the Razor Blade Program.

Safety Razor Blade Reviews

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