Garador PTX-5V1 Garage Remote


If your current Garador brand remote looks exactly like the one pictured in the 1st photo it has been updated by the original manufacturer to the new genuine ATA PTX-5V2 remote shown in the 2nd 3rd photos.

You will receive the updated genuine ATA PTX-5V2 remote pointed to by the arrow in the 2nd photo

B&D Garador Garage and Gate Remotes:

PTX5 Remote

PTX-5 Remote

PTX-5V1 Remote

PTX2 Remote

PTX-2 Remote

PTX-2V1 Remote

EAT-2V1 Remote

WTX-4V2 Wall Button

KPX-7V2 Keypad

B&D Garador Garage and Gate Motors:

GDO-6V3 EasyRoller

GDO-6V4 EasyRoller

GDO-7V2 Securalift

GDO-7V3 Securalift

GDO-8V3 ASM Shed Master


GDO-9 Dynamo

GDO-9 Enduro

GDO-9V2 Securalift

GDO-9V2 Enduro

GDO-9V3 Dominator

GDO-9V3 Dynamo

GDO-10V1 Toro

GDO-10V2 Toro


GDO-11V1 Ero

NES 24V1 NeoSlider Gate Motor


SGO-1 Elite

Not compatible with GEN2 / GEN 2 motors

Remote Warehouse
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