Aspergillum-——from Key of Solomon,professional magician tool

a pure copper purifying water vessel, commonly referred to as an aspergillum, which is inscribed with symbols from the "Key of Solomon". The Key of Solomon is a famous and historically significant grimoire traditionally attributed to King Solomon. This ancient text is known for its detailed descriptions of magical seals, rituals, and symbols used for various purposes, including purification and protection rites.

In the practice of ritual magic, and specifically within the Solomonic tradition, tools such as this aspergillum are used for sprinkling holy or consecrated water during ceremonies to cleanse and sanctify a space, object, or individual. The copper construction of the vessel not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also plays into the material's traditional associations with the divine and its purported ability to conduct spiritual energy.

This beautiful and functional piece serves as a bridge between the mystical wisdom of ancient texts and contemporary spiritual practices. It is an item that would be highly valued by practitioners of esoteric traditions or by those with a deep interest in the occult history and artifacts.
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