Phoscare – Phosphite Systemic Mineral Fertiliser 3.785L


Phosphorous is one of the most difficult nutrients to supply to plants, particularly through the soil because most soils have phosphorous fixation characteristics. To compensate for the inefficiency of phosphorous utilisation by plants it is necessary to apply PHOSCARE to the plants as it is an immediate form of Phosphorous which the plant recognises and utilises quickly. Technologies which can improve the efficiency of phosphorous can greatly reduce the quantities of phosphorous application, helping growers save time and money.

Use of PHOSCARE is most beneficial for crops that grow in cold weather, have limited root growth, fast top growth and in waterlogged conditions.

PHOSCARE is applicable to crops and soils at all stages, specifically designed to benefit your plants and produce by:

- Increasing overall health and mineral balance of plants
- Combating phosphorous and potassium deficiencies
- Assisting in flowering and fruiting
- Quickening cr...

Roots Shoots & Fruits
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