K-Forte – Mineral Fertiliser – Home Garden Range


At times of stress, before flowering, and peak fruit/crop growth, the need for Potassium and Phosphorus increases.

Most crops suffer from Potassium and Phosphorous deficiencies during these stages despite high soil levels. Foliar applications become the only feasible approach to bypass the soil’s ‘lockup’. The choice of the foliar material, their formulation, timing, and rate of application are essential for a proper response.

K-FORTE contains both Potassium and Phosphorus in a ratio that is similar to that in plants. Both Potassium and Phosphorus are essential especially during early and later stages of crop development.

K-FORTE POWDER is applicable to all crops at all stages, benefiting your plants and produce by:

- Increasing overall health and mineral balance of plants
- Preventing plant and fruit susceptibility to disease
- Combating Phosphorous and Potassium deficiencies
- Increasing retention of flowers and fruits, increasing yields...

Roots Shoots & Fruits
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