BioSize Plus – Growth Promoter 3.785L


BIO-SIZE PLUS is neither a plant food nor live microorganisms but it is designed to stimulate many of those essential microbial functions.

BIO-SIZE PLUS stimulates the plants to better utilise their natural reserves and to grow at their full strength. It enhances the ability of plants to utilize nutrients more effectively, which in turn improves eveness in fruit size and uniformity.

The result of the application of BIO-SIZE PLUS is healthier plants which in turn increases yields.

BIO-SIZE PLUS is applicable to crops and soils at all stages, specifically designed to benefit your plants and produce by:

- Increasing overall health and mineral balance of plants
- Increasing nutrient utilisation by plants
- Enhancing fruit set & uniformity
- Improving fruit and crop size
- Reducing the percentage of fruit drop and shatter
- Decreasing reject rates

BIO-SIZE PLUS can be applied to ALL crops including all vegetables, potatoes, carrots, ...

Roots Shoots & Fruits
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