Humax – Humic Acid Shale 80%, 100% Soluable – Organic


HUMAX® is 80% Humic acid and is 100% soluble in a dry formulation.

Humic acid is a major constituent of humus which is the most active ingredient of soil. Organic matter of common soil ranges from 3 to 5 percent by weight. The influence of this small percentage on soil properties is great. The effect of organic matter on plant growth is mostly attributed to its primary constituent, Humic Acid. Including liquid humates in your soil management practices can further enhance these benefits.

HUMAX is used by many growers to improve soil reactivity and improve plant productivity.

HUMAX is applicable to crops and soils at all stages, specifically designed to benefit your plants and produce by:

- Increasing overall health and nutrient balance of plants
- Increasing the availability of nutrients
- Promotes nutrient uptake by plants
- Increases water holding capacity
- Increases aeration, tilth and workability

HUMAX can be applied to ALL crops in...

Roots Shoots & Fruits
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