Biomin Copper-Glycine Chelated Mineral Fertiliser-Organic


$169.74 –

Copper is used by plants for lignin synthesis which is needed for cell wall strength and the prevention of wilting.

A highly systemic form of Copper that can be utilised when a severe deficiency exists, BIOMIN COPPER quickly corrects deficiencies of this important element, particularly before dormancy when plant levels are lowest. It has shown phenomenal results on crops such as tomatoes and brassicas which respond significantly to Copper applications.

BIOMIN COPPER is applicable to all crops, benefiting your plants and produce by:

- Increasing overall health and mineral balance of plants
- Preventing plant and fruit susceptibility to disease
- Correcting plant deficiencies
- Providing lignin synthesis for cell wall strength
- Preventing wilt

BIOMIN COPPER is a chelated mineral which is chelated mainly by Glycine and other organic amino acids. BIOMIN COPPER was designed for soil and/or foliar applications. Completely bioava...

Roots Shoots & Fruits
$811.38 $169.74
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