No Sew Batting Joiner Tape - Matilda’s Own


No Sew Batting Joiner Tape - Matilda's Own

Easily join your offcuts of batting together with this No Sew Tape. As the name suggests, this tape joins together your different off cuts of batting without the need to pin together and stitch the sections in place. Simply fuse your batting together with the tape. That's all you need to do. Unlike other methods of joining batting, the no sew tape will not bulk up in the wash, creating bumps in your finished quilt.


- Will not shrink with heat or water. This makes sure your final product will not be compromised with wear. You will be able to enjoy your beautiful project for years to come.
- No sew batting joiner is soft to the touch and actually has a slight stretch component. This makes it very easy to join and almost impossible to detect in your finished project.
- This tape is perfect for all your needs, whether you are planning to machine quilt or hand quilt your projects. Its soft texture means it will easily allow your needle to penetrate the layers without hesitation
- 4cm wide x 20 metre roll

Rainbow Stash
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