OMP Extinguisher CMSST1
Extinguisher system (engine compartment and cockpit) mechanically activated, steel bottle, complete with tubings, nozzles, steel bottle. 4,25 lt of Ecolife.
2 Hose All. 4m diam. 6 mm (CD/323/A)
2 Stickers (X/846)
2 Pull Cables(CD/335)
6 Nozzles (CD/393)
4 "T" connections diam. 8 mm (CD/392)
2 90 connections diam. 8 mm (CD/391)
1 3-way connection diam. 6 mm (CD/390)
2 anti torpedo tabs (CD/311/S-AT)
Related Article: Servicing Your OMP Fire Extinguisher