Liniment Active Rub


Purefx Liniment Oil is a medicated oil used for muscle aches and pains, sprains, strains of muscles and tendons and minor arthritic problems.

Deep and penetrating this age old recipe still remains one the best active sports rubs. Liniment oil is suitable as a rub for active muscles before, during and after sport and exercise or as part of a warm-up routine as it can be massaged into the skin easily for larger muscle groups such as calves, hamstrings and quadriceps to ease muscle tightness.

Liniment oil also provides temporary relief of muscular aches and pains including; Arthritis, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Back Ache, Fibrosis and Muscular soreness

Contains multiple active ingredients.
Our Liniment Oil formulation makes it easy to rub-in or massage into painful areas.

Contains active ingredients:
Methyl Salicylate, Camphor, Clove, Peppermint, Eucalyptus.
Also Sweet almond oil.


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