Vanilla Breeze Massage & Body Balm


Vanilla Breeze

We’re rolling out new labels and packaging for our massage balms. While the look may have changed, the quality and effectiveness of our products remain the same! Please note that you may receive either the updated packaging or the previous design during this transition period. Thank you for your continued support!

Rich, uplifting, fragrant Vanilla massage balm with luxuriant oils and butters is soothing and harmonizing it will help you or your clients overcome feelings of anxiety and promote feelings of well being. The scent is so pleasing and relaxing that it eases your mind and reduces any feelings of stress.

When you use our vanilla breeze massage balm it will not simply offer a relaxing benefit to you but can also promote healthier and more beautiful skin.

It is a beautiful blend of natural, no allergy, emollient oils and butters that not only facilitate a wonderfull massage but also leaves the skin nourished and soothed.

It's filled with skin-nourishing, soothing ingredients like shea butter, virgin coconut oil, cocoa butter, and Jojoba oil.

Ideal for infant massage also.

Contents:Beeswax, Grapeeed oil, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Cocoa butter, Shea butter, Vit E, Vanilla essential oil.

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