Muscle Rub Massage & Body Balm


Muscle Rub Massage and Body Balm

We’re rolling out new labels and packaging for our massage balms. While the look may have changed, the quality and effectiveness of our products remain the same! Please note that you may receive either the updated packaging or the previous design during this transition period. Thank you for your continued support!

Do you feel tired, stressed, and altogether worn out? Purefx Muscle Rub is a soothing, natural rub that both smells and feels great, while providing a gentle warming sensation to sooth muscles.

Ideal for those of all skin types who want a soothing, calming treatment for stressed and uncomfortable muscles.

Favorite muscle rub for sore, knotted muscles, because it contains natural, high quality oils that condition that skin, as well as healing arnica and selected essential oils which aid healing the muscles underneath. Plus, it has a pleasant, natural fragrance that has an aroma-therapeutic effect.

If you are active in sports, fitness or gardening--or if you just spent the weekend moving furniture--you need something to help relieve muscle soreness.

NZ Beeswax, Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Oil. Arnica, essential oils of Lemongrass,Ginger, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and VitE

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