PPRE N/A PP 6B Complete Engine Package





After 16 years of experience tuning and developing hi performance multi rotor engines our team decided to take it one step further developing and building the first ever running 6 rotor engine. After successful testing and use we have made these available as a base engine package.

Every engine package is built specifically for the customers requirements and built using all new parts, once assembled the engine is setup for bench testing prior to delivery. The ecu will be preloaded/configured with a base start up map for ease once your engine is fitted.

Note: Other additional parts, modifications or upgrades can be added, please enquire via email pulseperformance.re@gmail.com

50% Deposit required at time of order and up to 16 week turn-around depending on current work load.
customers please note that prices exclude GST

Listed prices are all NZD read more Product added! Category: Engine Packages Brand: PPRE view all details



Pulse Performance
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