Ginger Ground Organic


Ginger has a warm, sweet aroma and lemony flavor, the pungency varies from delicate to hot.

Ground ginger contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, niacin, Vitamin A and magnesia. Ginger can add flavor, round of flavor and enhance particular flavors.

While ginger is used throughout the world, its primary popularity as a savory spice is in Asian countries such as India, Korea, China, and South East Asia.

Europeans and North Americans prefer the dried and preserved form of ginger as a table seasoning in cakes, puddings, cookies, ginger bread, pies, preserves, pickles, fish soups, marmalade's, ice creams, sausages, frankfurters, puddings and teas.

Ginger is one of the oldest and more popular medicinal spices. It has the warming effect on stomachs soothes digestion, and is traditionally used to neutralize toxins, decrease acidity and increase blood circulations. 

It is available by 100g, 500g and 1kg.

County of Origin: India, Region: Maharashtra.

Premium Spices
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