AquaSpa Spa Sanitiser

SKU: N/A Categories: Sanitisers, Spa Pool Chemicals Tags: Retail Chemicals, Sanitiser, Spa Pool, SS8

$39.99 –

Aquaspa Spa Sanitiser is a non-chlorine spa sanitiser. Suitable for us in residential spas and hot tubs. This product has been specially formulated to prevent the growth of various pathogens and bacteria that can cause disease in spas and hot tubs.

Aquaspa Spa Sanitiser is ideal for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and those with skin problems. It is gentle on skin, hair and clothing. It’s like soaking in clean fresh water.

Directions for use

Add Aquaspa Spa Sanitiser weekly directly to the spa at the rate of 60ml per 1,000 litres.
- Clean spa thoroughly using Swirl Away and Squeaky Clean. If using product for the first time, clean filtration system with Filter Renew, Filter Brite or Liquid Filter Brite and refill spa.
- Adjust pH if necessary to 7.0-7.8.
- Add Aquaspa Spa Sanitiser at weekly intervals according to the dosage on the bot...

Poolside Christchurch
$169.95 $39.99
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