TWO Bags of JOLTED Coffee in this Collection. Save more on a Monthly subscription.
Jolted Coffee, New Zealand's first specifically designed pod coffee blend, is designed for use in your reusable coffee pod.
Jolted Coffee, New Zealand's first specifically designed pod coffee blend, is designed for use in your reusable coffee pod. It is crafted with carefully selected, perfectly roasted coffee beans to produce a dark, strong coffee blend.
One of our most common questions we get from customers is: how do I get a strong coffee using your pods? The answer had been try a really dark roast and hope for the best. We tried this ourselves in our machine at home but the taste was bitter and the after taste wasn't great. So to aid our customers we set out to create a coffee blend that enables you to have a strong coffee with a great flavour too. This process took a bunch of trialing before we settled on our current blend that we are happy to drink day in day out.
Whether you have Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, Caffitaly or any other reusable coffee pod; our coffee produces a great tasting coffee you will enjoy, whether it is for that coffee hit first thing in the morning or your afternoon treat. Our coffee has a great flavour, is smooth and full bodied. It has a nice mouth feel and a lingering deep after taste with hints of chocolate. To top it all off it has a higher level of caffeine that your average supermarket or roastery coffee.
If you are used to drinking an intense coffee pod like the 9/10/11 pods from Nespresso you simply won't be able to find a coffee off the shelf that will give you the intensity that you are used to. We strongly suggest you try our coffee, we are hooked and so are our customers. FULL
- Jolted Coffee is a medium to dark roast coffee made with Arabica and Robusta beans to give you the strong coffee you need
- Tastes smooth not bitter with subtle notes of chocolate and vanilla
- 100% natural. We use no artificial additives or ingredients - just strong, high quality coffee beans
- Available in ground or whole beans so you can grind it fresh or simply open the bag of ground coffee and put it in your pod
- Our packaging has a venting valve to release the gases generated by fresh ground coffee and beans
- Our packaging is also home compostable, just remove the venting valve before composting COST SAVINGS
- Disposable pods cost between 50c and $1 per pod depending on whether you buy Nespresso or plastic pods from the supermarket
- Including shipping, our cost per pod is 39.90 cents (urban) or 47.9 cents (rural shipping) - even cheaper if you buy and drink coffee in larger quantities
- Not only do you get awesome tasting coffee but you also save on the cost of your coffee and the cost to the environment of single use pods
- 250g whole bean
- 250g ground
- 500g whole bean
- 500g ground
- 1kg whole bean
- Coffee roasters recommended to use your coffee in two to four weeks to produce the best results
- Put your coffee into an air tight container, such as a Sistema, as soon as you have opened it to ensure freshness
- Store:
- Pod n Save
- Price:
- $34