Castle Cactus - Euphorbia trigona - 1L / 14cm / Small


Light Requirements: Direct Sun - Bright indirect light. Needs lots of hours in bright light to thrive.

Moisture & Soil Requirements: A succulent so this plant prefers occasional watering and periods where it partially dries out. Use soil with exceptional drainage - never let it get soggy. Reduce watering frequency in winter.

Growth & Nutrients: A clumping, branching succulent that sends growth vertically. Can grow outdoors in patios. Suits apartments or homes of any size. Feed with only small amounts of general-purpose fertiliser for containers from the start of spring each year to autumn when growth slows down.

Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm environments inside, grows well in a range of humidity.

Toxicity: Toxic to pets and people. Sap is an irritant and should not be touched, consumed or handled without gloves.

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