Kentia Palm - Howea forsteriana - 10L / 25cm / Large


1 Kentia Palm planted into a 10L pot. These are one of the most popular indoor palms for containers as well as for landscaping due to their elegant, orderly fronds. They are remarkably tolerant of a range of conditions ranging from shade to full sun as an adult. However, Kentia Palms are easiest to establish when positioned for morning sun and shelter from wind and harsh afternoon sun. Pro tip: position your palm so that its dramatic shadows can be cast into your home for twice the impact.

Ideal for Beginner plant keepers or beyond.

Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light is ideal, can handle part-day sun when older.

Moisture & Soil Requirements: Prefers evenly moist soil with good drainage in warm seasons - never soggy soil. Water when the first few centimetres of soil are dry.

Growth & Nutrients: Palm tree growth, central new growth spike gradually opens and softens to reveal stocky curved fronds. Suits medium to large apartments or houses of any size with tall ceilings. Feed with a general-purpose fertiliser for containers across spring-summer.

Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm humid environments inside but can deal with most home environments. Grows well outdoors in frost-free northern when sheltered from wind, cold and harsh sun.

Toxicity: Non-toxic.

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