Variegated Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' - 1.3L / 14cm / Small

These Thai Constellation beauties are a stable variegated monstera cultivar giving a speckled starry night effect with cloudy patches of solid cream variegation. Easy to care for, Thai Constellation monstera deliciosa is a show stopper in every room they inhabit with relatively little effort required on your part. The vigorous but compact growth for Thai Constellation actually keeps these climbers tidy looking tidier for longer compared to their natural wild Monstera deliciosa form.
Ideal for Intermediate plant keepers or beyond.
Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light is essential to maintain the white variegation on the leaves but white sections are easily scorched by the harsh sun.
Moisture & Soil Requirements: Prefers evenly moist soil with good drainage in warm seasons - never soggy soil. Water when the first few centimetres of soil are dry. Prefers to be kept a little drier through winter.
Growth & Nutrients: Grows up trees in the wild by growing in vine-like growth with aerial roots. Ideally, grow your Monstera up a support pole to mimic a tree. Grows large but the growth tip segment can be cut and re-potted to suit your available space. Suits medium-large apartments or homes. Feed with a general-purpose fertiliser for containers from the start of spring each year to autumn when growth slows down and allow your plant to rest over winter.
Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm, humid environments inside but can deal with most home environments.
Toxicity: Moderately toxic. Don't let anyone or anything eat it.
- Store:
- PlantHouse
- Price:
- $60