Philodendron elegans - 2.5L / 17cm / Medium


Philodendron elegans is a large climbing philodendron with elegant pinnate leaves. These leaves really stand out when positioned against a plain white wall making them the ideal candidate to add interest to a medium-lit room and to pair and contrast with plants with wider foliage.

Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light is ideal, tolerant of medium light.

Moisture & Soil Requirements: Prefers evenly moist soil with good drainage in warm seasons and slightly drier in winter. Grows well in bark or sphagnum. Can handle short dry spells when the stem is large and thick.

Growth & Nutrients: A climbing Philodendron that is able to support itself upright with a pole and aerial roots. Suits apartments or homes of any size. Feed with a general-purpose fertiliser for containers from the start of spring each year to autumn when growth slows down.

Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm, humid environments inside but can be grown outdoors in frost-free northern areas of NZ.

Toxicity: Toxic to pets and people. Don't chomp down on this ever.

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