Aloe Vera - 2.5L / 17cm / Medium


Transform your home into a desert oasis with our Aloe Vera plant. This medium-sized plant is easy to care for and perfect for beginners and experienced plant keepers alike. Enjoy the soothing properties of the aloe vera leaf on your sunburn or simply display it to and add a touch of architectural style to any space.

Light Requirements: Bright indirect light - May go orange with sunstress so keep indoors or in shade.

Moisture & Soil Requirements: A succulent so this plant prefers occasional watering and periods where it partially dries out. Use soil with exceptional drainage - never let it get soggy. Reduce watering frequency in winter to let it get dry, depending on the position.

Growth & Nutrients: A clumping succulent reaching 40cm across

Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm environments inside, grows well in a range of humidity.

Toxicity: Non Toxic to pets and people

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