My Tiny Indoor Garden : Big Ideas for Small Spaces by Lia Leendertz, Mark Diacono


Not everyone has access to outside space or what we traditionally think of as a garden, but we all have window ledges, shelves, stairways and unloved spots in our homes.

My Tiny Indoor Garden is bursting with exciting ideas and savvy solutions to help you transform any indoor nook or cranny into a peaceful plant paradise. Whether you’re looking for a mini kitchen garden or a sun-loving terrarium, we’ve unearthed an amazing collection of indoor and covered spaces.

Among the 20 gardens featured in the book you’ll find a jungle in a south London sitting room, a colourful cacti collection and a conservatory come orchid house. You’ll pick up all the best tips and tricks as each indoor gardener shares their small-scale expertise, from using an array of bottles and jars to create a display of tiny botanical treasures to turning an antique chair into a lavish plant pot. Packed with practical advice, this exciting gardening series also provides pointers on key aspects of green interiors – from caring for leaves to propagating succulents. In addition, practical projects will help you make the most of every inch, whether you decide to master the art of kokedama or create your own terrarium.

Blur the line between your indoor space and the great outdoors, get inspired, let your imagination grow and enjoy your tiny indoor garden.

160 pages

Lia Leendertz is a freelance garden writer who shares an allotment with several friends near her home in Bristol. A regular contributor to The Guardian and The Telegraph, she is a long-time advocate of organic and community growing, and has written many books on the subject. She has an award-winning blog, Midnight Brambling, and is the author of My Cool Allotment, also published by Pavilion.

An award-winning writer and photographer, Mark Diacono led the garden team at River Cottage and appearing in the TV series, Mark continues to run courses and events at River Cottage HQ. He was Garden Journalist of the Year at the Garden Media Awards in 2011 and has collaborated with Lia Leendertz on previous books.

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