Miniature Creeping Fig - Ficus pumila minima - 1.3L / 14cm / Small


Note: This plant is unavailable for sale in Auckland region.

Ficus pumila 'minima' is a smaller growing cultivar than the typical Creeping Fig, maintaining its flat juvenile leaf form for significantly longer and requiring much less pruning. These make great hanging basket plants as well as for training along a wall outdoors. Prune growth that extends away from the wall and pinch the tip to encourage branching in an area of the wall that needs filling.

Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light is ideal, can handle part-day Sun.

Moisture & Soil Requirements: Prefers evenly moist soil with good drainage in warm seasons - never soggy soil. Water when the first few centimetres of soil are dry.

Growth & Nutrients: Tree /shrub. Aggressive roots, will fill up nearly any container, keep away from water pipes outside. Prune at the start of spring to the desired shape. Suits apartments or houses of any size. Feed with a general-purpose fertiliser for containers from the start of spring each year to autumn when growth slows down.

Temperature, Humidity & Ambient requirements: Prefers warm humid environments inside but can deal with most home environments. Grows well outdoors in frost-free northern

Toxicity: Moderately toxic. Don't let anyone or anything eat it. The sap is a skin irritant so do not touch.

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