Peace Lily in Ribbed Planter


Introducing our Stunning Giant Peace Lilies!

- Magnificent Peace Lilies, around 1 meter tall
- Includes stunning Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’ (Neon Pothos)
- Comes with a stylish Ribbed Planter (55x68cm)

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These magnificent Peace Lilies are sure to leave you in awe. Standing at an impressive height of approximately 1 meter, they are a lush addition to any space. What’s more, they feature the striking Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon,’ also known as the Neon Pothos.

To complete the package, we’ve paired this exceptional plant with a generously sized Ribbed Planter, adding a touch of elegance to your space. Pot size 55x68cm.

The Neon Pothos, a close relative of the Pothos family, shares similar care requirements. This vibrant plant thrives in a warm environment but dislikes consist...

Plant & Pot
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