Cleft Palate Nursing Bottle (PP-TYPE) 240cc
Babies affected by a cleft palate often takes longer to feed due to weaker sucking strength. Because of the gap in their palate, the baby is unable to create a vacuum in the oral cavity. The oral and nasal cavities are also linked in cleft palate babies, sometimes causing liquids to go in the wrong direction when swallowing.
The Pigeon Cleft Palate bottle is made of soft polypropylene material in an oval shape, allowing the care giver to hold It comfortably and squeeze it to regulate the flow of milk as required to suit baby’s condition.
The specialised teat is larger which makes it easy for baby to latch on and drink compared to a regular teat. The silicone is thicker on one side whilst the other is thin so that when bub pushes lightly with their tongue and mouth the milk is easier to drink. The Cleft Palate bottle also includes a milk flow regular to prevent milk from reversing, rather flowing just by occlusion.
As each cleft palate is unique use the regular teat when your baby is ready to accept it. For newborns use the small teat.
Includes 1 x small and 1 x regular cleft palate silicone teat.