Vetmax Insect Repellent Powder 500gm


An effective and long lasting repellent for controlling lice on horses, farm livestock and companion animals. Effective against red mite on poultry.

Size: 500gm

Louse Powder FAQ’s

What animals can it be used on

Cows, horses, donkeys, minis, alpacas, goats, sheep, pigs, poultry.

Active ingredient

P-Menthane - 3,8-diol 0.8%w/w


Apply an even spread of powder over the affected area on the animal or the bedding.

With-holding period

No withholding period for meat or eggs.

How does it work

It is a repellent that deters rather than kills the insect. (Not an insecticide)

Insects it is effective on

Louse (Lice), Red & White mites.

How long does it last

Will stay on the animal for up to 7 days if kept dry.

Usage amount

5g to 10g covers an area 10cm X 15cm

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