Ivory Coat Grain Free Adult Ocean Fish & Salmon 13kg x 1
Made in Australia, this protein rich and grain-free and chicken- free dry food promotes healthy digestion and is packed full of wholesome ingredients including a high concentration of quality animal protein for lean muscle maintenance. We use carefully selected vegetables and superfoods like kale and blueberries to boost antioxidant intake, together with flaxseeds and salmon oil rich in omega-3 and omega-6 to maintain skin and coat health. A natural prebiotic is added to maintain healthy digestion as are essential vitamins and minerals to provide your companion with complete daily nutrition.
Your dog is sure to love Ivory Coat Ocean Fish and Salmon. All our nutritious recipes contain NO wheat, corn, rice, soy, artificial colours or flavours.
This is a naturally preserved product. Given it includes no artificial colours, variations in colours of kibble can occur between batches due to seasonal ingredients.