Raw Pawz Chicken & Rabbit Mince


Raw Pawz minced chicken is a bi-product of human consumption chicken sourced here in NZ. Minced chicken frames add the value of bone, meat, skin and fat while getting the nutritional values of vitamins B2, B3 & B6.

Chicken is also a source of zinc and folic acid, is low in saturated fat and high in protein, niacin, selenium and phosphorus.

Rabbit meat is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which works to ensure that a dog's nervous system functions properly. Rabbit is low in cholesterol and an excellent source of healthy Fats

Features & Benefits

- NZ Made and Produced
- Easy to serve 100gm Blocks
- High in protein and a great source of vitamins
- Bi- Product of human consumption makes it more resourceful and environmentally friendly
- Available in both 400g & 1.2kg packs

Pet Connect
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