Pelvic & Womens Health 136 views 9 clicks Claim this Business♡
$75Leto Belt (Pregnancy Brace)Leto Belts are the perfect choice for women with Low Back Pain or Pelvic Girdle Pain during pregnancy.  Designed by a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist here in NZ, the lightweight, breathable fabric gives it a very comfortable fit. It also has removable, adjustable support straps to give extra compres...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$93Intimate Rose Pelvic WandDesigned by a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist to help relieve  Pelvic Pain.The I NTIMATE ROSE®  Pelvic Wand and Vibrating Wand  are specifically designed to reach tender areas in the pelvic floor muscle s. They are a n easy to use , cost-effect option for Women managing pelvic painÂ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$120Intimate Rose Pelvic Wand - VibratingDesigned by a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist to help relieve Pelvic Pain. The only vibrating, silicone Pelvic Wand on the market.  The INTIMATE ROSE®  Pelvic Wand and Vibrating Wand  are specifically designed to reach tender areas in the pelvic floor muscles. They are an easy to use...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$85Femmax Vaginal DilatorsFEMMAX® Vaginal Dilators were originally designed by a cancer nurse in the UK to ma nage adhesions following pelvic surgeries and  radiation treatments. They  are now recommended worldwide to help  reduce the pain with penetration  women can experience due to the following:  - P...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$120OhnutPenetration during sex can be painful for Women for many different reasons.  Click here for more information on pelvic pain and pain with sex.  The O HNUT  is designed to give Women more control on the depth of penetration, reduce pain and make penetration enjoyable again.   It is soft, ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$135Vaginismus Vaginal Dilator KitVaginal Dilators are recommended worldwide to help reduce the pain with penetration women can experience due to the following:  - Painful and tight Pelvic Floor muscles  - Vaginismus or Vestibulodynia  - Scar tissue following surgery or vaginal delivery  - Sexual trauma  - Ho...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$142Inspire Silicone Dilator Kit 5 packVaginal Dilators are recommended worldwide to help  reduce the pain with penetration  women can experience due to the following:  - Painful and tight Pelvic Floor muscles  - Dyspareunia (painful sex)- Vaginismus or Vestibulodynia  - Scar tissue following surgery or vaginal delivery Â...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$95Contiform - New User KitCONTIFORM™  is a research-based device designed by an Australian gynacologist  for Women with  Stress Urinary Incontinence.  It is a discreet, affordable alternative to using continence pads. It is inserted into the vagina like a tampon and sits comf ortably to support behind th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Contiform Replacement UnitCONTIFORM™ is a research-based device designed by an Australian gynacologist for Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence. It is a discreet, affordable alternative to using continence pads. It is inserted into the vagina like a tampon and sits comfortably to support behind the urethra and...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$75Aquaflex Vaginal WeightsA QUAFLEX®  is an exercise system specifically designed to strengthen the Pelvic Floor Muscles. It consists of 2 different size vaginal cones and 5g/10g/20g weights that can be inserted into the cones.  They are  very easy to use and are recommended by Pelvic Health Physiotherapists across th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Pelvic Floor EducatorAn  easy to use, light weight, cost-effective feedback device designed to teach you how to contract your deep pelvic floor muscles  correctly  and effectively.  We know that strengthening our pelvic floor muscles can significantly  improve or cure stress urinary incontinence ,  ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$52Smartballs TeneoSMARTBALLS TENEO are a great way to build your Pelvic Floor strength. We do weight training for all other muscles throughout the body so why not the Pelvic Floor?!   SMARTBALLS TENEO are designed and manufactured in Germany by the FunFactory from high quality, odorless, body-safe hypoallergenic...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$230NeuroTrac ContinenceN.B. Electrodes/Probes are not included and will need to be purchased separately.  NeuroTrac ® Continence is a user-friendly d igital d ual c hannel unit which can be used  as an  NMES  (neuro-muscular electrical stimulation)  or TENS machine :  - To strengthen the Pelvic Floor Muscle...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$40PFLEX Vaginal Electrode PR-04AVaginal Electrode for use with TENS, Electrical muscle stimulation  and EMG biofeedback  devices.  - One of the smaller vaginal electrodes  on the market  - Round end for easy, comfortable insertion  - Two circumferential contact plates (for better contact with the Vaginal wall)  Instru...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$69Periform Vaginal ElectrodeVaginal Electrode for use with Electrical muscle stimulation units, TENS machines and EMG biofeedback devices.  - The widest  vaginal electrodes on the market , designed for better contact with the vaginal walls for women with a wider gap in their pelvic floor muscles ( e.g.  after having a vag...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$42PFLEX Anal Probe PR-13Anal Electrode for use with Electrical muscle stimulation and EMG biofeedback devices.  - Anal electrode with 12mm diameter  - 2 circumferential electrodes for pelvic floor muscle stimulation or EMG assessment  - has a collar to control insertion depth and allow adjustment of depth.  Instructi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Adhesive TENS Electrodes Square 50mmx50mmPremium quality, cloth-backed VERITY electrodes for TENS machines and Muscle Stimulators. Designed to optimize the conductivity and performance of your electrotherapy device. Compatible with most TENS and Electrical Stimulation units on the market.  These 5 cm square electrodes are an ideal siz...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$22Adhesive TENS Electrodes Rectangle 50mmx90mmPremium quality, cloth-backed VERITY electrodes for TENS machines and Muscle Stimulators. Designed to optimize the conductivity and performance of your electrotherapy device. Compatible with most TENS and Electrical Stimulation units on the market.  These larger, rectangle electrodes are an...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$16Adhesive TENS Electrodes Round 30mmPremium quality, clot h-backed  VERITY electrodes for TENS machines and Muscle Stimulators.  Designed to optimize  the conductivity and performance of your electrotherapy device. Compatible with most TENS and Electrical Stimulation units on the market.  These small, round electrodes are an...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$145Neurotrac TENSNeuroTrac ® TENS  is a user-friendly , compact  d igital d ual c hannel unit which can be used  for:  - Pain Relief (for Pelvic Pain or during Labour)  - Treatment of bladder urgency or overactive bladder  - Treatment of fecal incontinence or urgency  NeuroTrac ® TENS comes ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$45PFLEX Vaginal Life-Care Probe PR-18Vaginal Electrode for use with Electrical muscle stimulation units , TENS machines  and EMG biofeedback devices.  - A replacement for the Veriprobe  (which is no longer available)  - Rounded end for easy insertion  - Lightweight, hollow construction   - Flange on the bottom of the e...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20YES Water-Based Organic LubricantYES Water-based (WB) lubricant is an  organic , paraben-free, hormone -free, glycerine -free  water-based lubricant used for:  - Penetration during sex   - Topically as a vaginal moisturiser  to reduce discomfort from vaginal dryness  - Easier insertion of pelvic floor strengtheni...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$33YES Vaginal Moisturiser 100mlYES  Vaginal Moisturiser  (VM) is a long lasting natural vaginal moisturising  gel , ideal for postmenopausal women and postnatally.  It is oestrogen  free  and contains no  harmful  chemicals or preservatives.  YES VM is designed to be side effect free and provide hydrati...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$32Olive & Bee Intimate CreamOlive & Bee is 100% natural containing absolutely no chemicals, preservatives, parabens, mineral oils, fragrance or colours. It is not tested on animals.   Uses:  - Personal lubricant during intercourse   - Sooths vaginal dryness/irritation due to menopause , breastfeeding,  Pel...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0