Networked media, networked rhetorics

In networked media networked rhetorics damien pfister explores communicative practices in networked media environments analyzing in particular how the blogosphere has changed the conduct and coverage of public debate pfister shows how the late modern imaginary was susceptible read more deliberation traps related invention emotion and expertise and how bloggers have played a role in helping contemporary public deliberation evade these traps three case studies at the heart of networked media networked rhetorics show how new intermediaries including bloggers generate publicity solidarity and translation in the networked public sphere bloggers flooding the zone in the wake of trent lotts controversial toast strom thurmond in 2002 demonstrated their ability invent and circulate novel arguments. The pre-2003 invasion reports from the baghdad blogger illustrated how solidarity is built through affective connections. And the science blog realclimate continues serve as a rapid-response site for...
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