Nature's Pattern Magic by Dee Pignéguy


The lessons that Nature can teach us are infinite. So get on the Pattern Path and spend time observing, experimenting and exploring. Look for unique and interesting patterns when you go on pattern walks and use this book to identify new patterns.

Numbers arise from recognition of patterns in the world around us. Pattern observation is a tool to understand the mathematics behind the patterns of the living world.

Discover how Matter cycles on our planet. How Energy flows through earth's systems, and how the Web of Life connects organisms with each other.

Dee believes her new book Exploring Nature's Pattern Magic will help people engage with nature and realize just how important the natural environment is to sustaining our own life here on Planet Earth.

Distributed by Papawai Press on behalf of the author.

Paperback 280 x  210mm 978-0-473-32356-1   Children  

Papawai Media
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