Castelli Commuter Reflex Jacket Men's

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Designed for the rigors of commuting in all weather, this jacket keeps everything out while fitting over your office attire, but where it really shines, quite literally, is with the allover reflectivity that lights up at night yet is practically unnoticeable during the day. Product features
- Castelli-exclusive 3-layer allover reflex fabric with 20,000 mm water column waterproofing and 20,000 MVTR breathability
- Taped seams for fully waterproof construction
- Cut to fit over normal clothes, longer in front and back for extra coverage
- No-sew bottom hem for very clean look
- No-sew external zipper flap
- Inner gaiter can be closed to seal out drafts or left open for ventilation
- Velcro wrist closure to effectively seal against gloves Technical Features
- Insulation: 1/5
- Waterproofness: 5/5
- Windproofness: 5/5
- Breathability: 3/5
- Lightness: 2/5
- Weight: 382gm
- Temperature: -2°C - 15°C / 28°F - 59°F
- Fit: Regular
This is the Castelli of commute