Garage Project Beer - Bliss 330ml

Experience the refreshing taste of , a meticulously crafted lager that offers an enjoyable 4.5% ABV. Made with premium New Zealand malt and vibrant Motueka hops, this exquisite beer captures the essence of joy and tranquility in every sip. Its delicately crisp and clean finish makes Garage Project Bliss the perfect choice for any occasion, transforming ordinary moments into unforgettable memories. Whether you're basking in the sun, enjoying a backyard barbecue, or relaxing with friends, this easy-drinking lager is your ideal companion. Originally brewed for the renowned Attica restaurant by chef Ben Shewry, it seamlessly complements casual gatherings and outdoor festivities. Indulge in the happiness this exceptional beer brings and discover the bliss that awaits you.

- 330ml bottle
- 4.5% ABV
- Crisp, clean lager
- Perfect for BBQs and gatherings
- Brewed in New Zealand
- A delightful gift for beer enthusiasts
Packaged with Love
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