42 Below Pure Vodka 1 Litre

Experience the smooth elegance of 42 Below Pure Vodka, a premium spirit crafted from GE-free wheat and the pristine waters of New Zealand. Our vodka embodies the finest qualities of Scandinavian traditions, utilizing a meticulous distillation process that delivers unparalleled purity. Each bottle of 42 Below is distilled three times and then washed in the refreshing essence of New Zealand spring water, achieving a fourth distillation that ensures a supremely clean and crisp taste. This vodka, with its 40% alcohol content, is perfect for cocktails, straight sipping, or as a sophisticated gift for special occasions.
- Crafted from GE-free wheat
- Distilled four times for exceptional purity
- Refreshingly smooth New Zealand spring water
- Perfect for cocktails or on its own

Savor the unique character of 42 Below, renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and the story behind its name derived from its southern latitude, just north of Wellington on the 42nd parallel. Embrace a taste of New Zealand – a gift that truly reflects quality and elegance.
Packaged with Love
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