Wine Caps / King Stropharia MycoLogic


NOTICE: Due to production logistics this product can have a lead time of up to ten days from date of order

Wine Cap mushrooms, also known as King Stropharia or Garden Giants (latin name Stropharia rugoso-annulata) is an amazing, multi-funtional species in a backyard ecosystem.

This giant mushroom (caps can get up to 30cm wide and mushrooms can stand up to 30cm tall though commonly about half this size) loves to decompose wood at a rapid rate. This makes it a prime candidate for integrating into a backyard garden where you can easily turn woodchip or tree prunings into luscious, humus-rich soil using this species, and get some tasty mushrooms at the same time!

The method is simple - create a layer of freshly chipped woodchips (or straw, or a mix of the two) 10 or so centimeters deep, and mix some spawn with it. 1kg or 2kg is enough to start a 1m x 1m patch. The substrate material does not need to be processed, pasteurised or sterilised beforehand - but it is best to use fresh /...

Otepoti Urban Organics
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