Pink Oyster MycoLogic



Pink oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus djamor) are a brightly coloured cousin of the Phoenix oyster mushroom. They are easy to grow on straw or sawdust blocks during the summer.

Pink oyster mushrooms prefer slightly warmer growing conditions than phoenix oyster so they will commonly fruit in the late spring, summer and through to early autumn without heat supplimentation in New Zealand. They will not grow well in the winter months in cold areas unless extra warmth is provided.

Pink oyster mushrooms can be grown on straw or on sawdust blocks.

We do not sell dowels of pink oyster mushrooms as they are not well suited to growing on logs outdoors in New Zealand due to the cold winters which will kill off the sensitive mycelium.


Fully colonised and healthy grain spawn of our selected favourite strain of Pink Oyster mushroom culture. This grain spawn is perfect for inoculating your own pastuerised straw or sterilised wood chips / sawdust. One kilogram ...

Otepoti Urban Organics
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