Harker Herbals - General Tonic - [250ml]


566 General (Blood) Tonic is a potent, mineral-rich combination of more than 25 medicinal herbs and botanical ingredients. A constitutional tonic for blood, lymph cells and skin it contains curatory plant elements, mineral and vitamins for cleansing and toning. This tonic helps to raise the energy level all cells of the body and glands, organs and tissues. Use 566 General Tonic to gently coax cleansing and help in the regeneration process before the use of a specific elixir.

Supports healthy blood and lymphatic fluid detoxification, reaching every cell, gland and organ in the Human organism.

Especially recommended for skin problems.

A classical tonic for those under stress (domestic, business, corporate).

Daily Purification / Energy Tonic - relieves fatigue, stress.

Helps dissolve out acid-mucus from stomach, intestinal tract, protein globules from the blood, & other poisonous wastes and accumulated toxins from the cells and lymphatic fluid.

Works through the digestive system, liver, spleen and pancreas to help cleanse and rejuvenate the bloodstream.

Organics Out West
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