BUCK RAKE - Lightweight, 6 Tyne

BUCK RAKE - Lightweight, 6 TYNE

For the smaller Compact & Sub Compact tractors (20-50hp) and smaller Skid Steers. Excellent for cleaning up pruning's, stumps, moving loose hay, silage, bales. FEATURES

- Six Hay Tynes

- Outside Tynes 850mm long, inner 4 tynes 660mm
- High back safety frame

- Painted in 2 pack polyurethane
- 3 Colour options OPTIONS

- Option of closed in rear panel to better protect machine
- Options to fit

- John Deere Series 1-3
- Euro Loader
- Skid Steer
- Three Colour Options
- Different length tynes available upon request SHIPPING

- FREE delivery Tasman region
- The rest of calculated at check out
STOCKING LEVELS - 10 Day Promise

If not in stock, we promise to have it ready to ship in 10 Working Days! If you need it urgently, the let us know we can usually shuffle things around to meet your deadline. ORANGE HITCHES LIMITED (Est 2007)

- Kiwi made
- Factory direct
- Optional custom mods & builds
- First in

Orange Hitches NZ, OUT IN FRONT

Orange Country Engineering
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