Panasonic CS/CU-Z50XKR 6.0kw Heating Aero Series High Wall Heat Pump


Panasonic’s smartest premium reverse cycle, wall mounted air conditioner with built in Wi-Fi, and nanoe™ X air purification technology.-AutoX.

Constantly Maintaining Cleaner, Healthier Air

Panasonic Air Conditioners now come with a new air purifying system called nanoe-G, which utilises nano technology fine particles consisting of ions and radicals to purify the air in the room. It works effectively on airborne and surface based micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses and mould, thus ensuring a cleaner living environment.


to arrange installation within the Wellington region.
For installation within the Wellington region our installation partner can offer a low price, great service and prompt installation.

Outside of Wellington our staff can help you find the best local installer. to learn more

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