RoomFresh Lavender Deodouriser


RoomFresh our natural based room freshener sucks up odour like a vacuum cleaner!. Based on natural charcoal and our secret blend of essential oils, RoomFresh has a almost addictive light fragrance. It is an awesome product and is unique to NZ. I use it every day and it works, I can guarantee it.

RoomFresh. Our charcoal based natural odour neutraliser with a subtle fragrance RoomFresh Charcoal based room and furniture spray No sickly fragrances (contains natural Glenbrook lavender)
Based on natural charcoal to absorb odours Contains natural bacteria eliminators
Unique product for (Nothing like it on the market)
Absorbs all odours Can be sprayed on pets fur, bedding, & furniture Safe to use around animals and humans
Perfect to freshen a room and remove odours, or spray directly onto your pet, bedding, furniture, or inside the car to neutralise odours and pongy fur smells.
RoomFresh is a beautiful purifying fragrance and ABSORBS ALL SMELLS
Money back warranty

Tired of smelly pet areas??
Has your Dog rolled in something very unpleasant??
How about your cat. just done a whoopsie in the litter tray just as the guests are arriving??
Simple solution......

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