NZ Veggie Plants 6 views Claim this Business♡
$3.50Money Maker TomatoA well-known and popular heirloom tomato since 1897. The great-tasting 120-150g fruit is slightly flattened and globe-shaped with blood red skin and firm, cherry red flesh. The productive tall vines have excellent disease resistance.COMES IN A PB3/4 BAG ( 0.45L) - Position: Full sun- Planting: 60cm apart- Maturity: 10-12 weeks- Height: IndeterminateBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4Black Beauty EggplantEggplant parmesan, ratatouille, baba ghanoush, or simply grilled as a 'burger', you’ll love creating your favorite dishes with. The gorgeous, delicious, purple-black fruit not only stars in many fabulous recipes, but it’s also so easy to grow at home for the freshest flavor. Plants produce prett...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$5Red Sweet WatermelonVery vigorous, quick-maturing, sweet and crisp, red flesh watermelon. The oblong fruit mature at a decent 10-15kg and have a good strong rind which makes for safer handling. For best results grow in black polythene rows to keep the root zones warm, the soil moist and the weeds out. - Position: Full sun- Planting: 100cm apart- Maturity: 10-12 weeks- Height: Crawls across groundBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4Capsicum GreenCalifornia Wonder is a bell-shaped pepper that produces green to red fruit.This very popular all purpose sweet pepper is easy to grow and is right up there with great yieldsCOMES IN A PB3/4 BAG ( 0.45L)Position: Full sunPlanting: 60cm apartMaturity: 8-10 weeksHeight: 1 metreBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4Asian Fire Chilli(Long Green)Specialty Vietnamese red chilli for hot and spicy Asian cuisine. Ideal for cooking fresh in both its green or red state, in hot sauces and curries. Also suitable for processing and making dried hot peppers. 50,000-90,000 Scoville Heat Units.COMES IN A PB3/4 BAG ( 0.45L) - Position: Full sun- Planting: 60cm apart- Maturity: 12- 13 weeks- Height: 0.7 -1 metresBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0