Solanum aviculare



65 viable seeds per gram:

Also Known as: Poroporo

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Height - 3mUses

(NZ Native)

A very fast growing native New Zealand openly branched soft shrub. A perennial that is a common urban weed in many parts of the country as well as Australia, Tasmania, China and Russia. It is found usually in disturbed habitats, shrublands, gullies, riversides, forested margins and in reverting pasture. It often appears following fires. It has large 7 pointed green leaves, drooping sprays of yellow/orange berries and bright blue to purple flowers. Warning- This shrub is potentially toxic to humans, sheep and cattle.

Packet of 100 seeds $19.80
10 grams $56.80
100 grams $484.80How to Grow

Recommended pre germination seed treatment:
Seed germinates without pre treatment. 4 weeks cold stratification will help speed up and even out germination time. (For details refer to Propagation Information tab at top of the page )Growing Conditions

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