Sea Harvester Pozi Zipped Catch Bag


The Pozi style catch bag is designed for underwater foragers and divers who need a reliable and secure method to store their catch while diving. This bag is particularly suited for collecting crabs, scallops, paua, rock lobster, and large crayfish.

Features of the Pozi Style Catch Bag:

Heavy-Duty Construction: Built from durable materials that can withstand the rough conditions of underwater environments and the sharp edges of shellfish.
Rubber One-Way Lid: Incorporates a unique one-way lid made of rubber, which allows items to be easily placed inside the bag while preventing them from escaping. This feature is especially useful when collecting active or slippery marine life like crays and rock lobster.
Large Side Release Zip: Features a large zip on the side that allows for quick and easy access to the contents. This is particularly beneficial when you need to release the catch or when sorting through the contents on the boat or shore.
Secure Closure Mechanism: Ensures that once the catch is in the bag, it stays there securely until the diver decides to open it.


Security for Catch: The one-way lid and secure zip ensure that once marine life is inside the bag, it cannot escape, providing peace of mind for divers as they continue their collection.
Ease of Use: The design of the bag, including the one-way lid and side zip, is optimized for easy operation, even when wearing gloves and handling slippery or unwieldy catches.
Durability: The heavy-duty materials are not only water-resistant but also resistant to cuts and punctures, which is essential when dealing with shellfish and other marine creatures with sharp parts.
Versatility: Perfect for a variety of marine life, making it a versatile tool for divers interested in harvesting different types of seafood.

Recreational and Commercial Diving: Ideal for divers who gather seafood for personal consumption or commercial purposes.

NZ Diver
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