Old Ladies at a Tangi


John Hovell

1937 –

John Hovell was born in the Whitianga and grew up in Harataunga (Kennedy Bay) on the Coromandel Peninsula. He became a specialist kowhaiwhai (rafter painting). He has had many commissions through out the North Island for wharenui (meeting houses) and wharekai (dining halls).

Hovell studied under Paratene Matchitt and Pineamine Taiapa.

By the 1980’s Hovell had begun to increasingly incorporate Pacific references into his work and positioned Maori art and culture within the whakapapa of the wider Pacific.

Work Dimensions: 1150mm W x 550mm H

Framing: Framed

Framed Dimensions: 1220mm W x 615mm H

Condition Note: Frame in poor condition

Nz Art Broker
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