The Reader


Alison Erickson has lived and worked at The Mill Studio in Waikari, North Canterbury since 1998. She sculpts and casts bronze on the premises, with her partner, Sam Mahon. When the world feels incomprehensible my solution has always been to read.
The philosopher Iain Mcgilchrist says, "Attention is a moral act ". I think reading is a quiet revolution. It's a way to gain an understanding of the world from different points of view. Jacob Needleman, American philosopher, says, "Always stay with the contradiction, if you stay you'll see that there is always something more than two opposing truths, the whole truth always includes a third part which is the reconciliation".

Dimensions: 1480 mm H x 600 mm Dia

FREIGHT NOTE: Due to the nature of this work freight and installation will be calculated post purchase.

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