Perfume Creation Workshop May 2024

Wanting to start living a more non - toxic lifestyle? A good start is cutting out your perfume. Fun Fact, the word fragrance can hide up to 500 different chemical compounds that don't need to be listed as ingredients. So what are you really putting on your skin? Or inhaling daily? Massive endocrine disruptions that can cause issues with hormonal balancing for years to come. Interferences with sleep patterns and breathing abilities. Why is it that some say no perfume around newborns - yet wear otherwise? This is a 60 minute course where you will get 1. To test out over 15 different essential oils 2. To create and take home your perfume blend 3. To take home two recipes for perfumes created by Paige 4. Understand the brief safety and usage of essential oils in creating non - toxic lifestyles. 5. A short crash course into muscle testing 6. 10 page workbook
Course will be LIVE on the 19th of May, 4 - 5 pm in Te Awamutu. Purchases past this date will get a recorded copy of the course and sent out testers of the essential oils to use in perfumes.
Note, I am not an aromatherapist (only training), nore do I hold qualifications in essential oils, self taught and through my own understandings, and education

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