Nilfisk Premium Foam Sprayer

The unmatched when compared to the foam lances that come with high-pressure washers.

Its innovative design includes intelligent features such as the ability to change the jet's rotation without adjusting the foam lance's angle and a robust adjustment screw that delivers quick and effective results with minimal effort.

- Easy to apply a thick and lovely layer of foam on the surface
- Makes washing more efficient!
- Fits stronger pressure washers!

How do I choose the right feed?
It is important to choose the right flow rate, check the water flow rate and be within the range. For example, if you have a Nilfisk waterblaster that produces 500L/h (8.33L/min) dp, you should choose the Foam lance with 6-9L per minute.

Inclusion: KW  style quick connect - quick connect fits  Quick Connect Socket KW 1/4"M

Note that chemicals are not included with the product.

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