Mountain Buggy Duet Twin Bundle


Include an additional "Mountain Buggy i-size ISO fix base for protect™ i-size infant car seat" in your cart for just $169. The base's price will automatically decrease by $50 upon adding it to your cart at checkout with this bundle.

The Mountain Buggy Duet ™ Twin Bundle includes all you need for your little boo's in one easy package. Featuring 2 x all-new Mountain Buggy protect™ i-size Infant Car Seats 2023 with Isofix Bases and including Mountain buggy carrycot plus™ for twins, as well as key accessories for getting out and about.

The Mountain Buggy Duet ™ Twin Bundle includes: -

1 x Mountain Buggy Duet ™ (Black, Silver or Grid)

2 x Mountain Buggy Protect™ i-size Infant Car Seats 2023 with Isofix Bases

1 x Mountain buggy Carrycot plus™ for twins (Black).

1 x Mountain Buggy Duet™ Double sun cover set.

1 x Mountain Buggy Duet™ Double storm cover.

2 x Mountain Buggy Duet™ Twin car seat adaptor for protect™.

Nelly Boo
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