Felting Needles Set of 11 different felting needles


Felting needles set - set of 11 needles

The felting needles we have are carefully selected. They are all you need for needle felting. From 32 gauge (for coarse wool ) to 42 gauge (super fine for Merino)
- 32G Triangle – 9cm long, Sturdy needle for heavy duty work, coarse/raw wool or bigger items. Not suitable for finishing work or Merino wool (or 7.5cm long in red colour code)
- 36G Triangle – A standard good beginners needle
- 38G Triangle – A strong all purpose needle
- 40G Triangle – A fine gauge all-purpose needle and for finishing work
- 36G Reverse/Unfelt - this needle with backwards notches. It pulls fiber inside out instead of felting it in! It uses for untangles felted fiber and also can be use for creating some special effects on the surface of a blended colours projects.
- 38G Star – for making shapes quickly with smoother surfaces and good penetration
- 38G Star Twist - This is an amazing needle that have both star needle and spiral needle feature in 1 needle. A fast felting needle.
- 38G Spiral – Deep penetration and good for hardening.
- 40G Spiral – Ultra dense & gives an exceptionally smooth finish on surface
- 42G Triangle – extra fine needle for finishing, adding fine details for sculptures and excellent for 2D felting (wool painting)

- 42G Crown needle – 1 barb each side. Excellent adding fine details for sculptures and 2D wool painting.

To keep your felting needles safe and tidy you can to buy a felting needles container to store them. They are from $1.70 each.

Suggestion: for Merino wool felting the 38G, 40G & 42G needles will work better.

Notice: These needles are sharp and should be use with care, we recommend to be use by ages 8 and up , 12 and under with adult supervision.

needle 4 fun
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